Welcome to my newly imagined and rebranded website


When I envisioned a web redesign last year, I knew we were in a period of transition but I never imagined change would come tumbling down like an avalanche. Few could have predicted the kind of disruption to our professional and personal lives that this global pandemic has thrust upon us.

Amid the chaos caused from a global pandemic, one thing will never change: Principals of good communications

When I envisioned a web redesign last year, I knew we were in a period of transition but I never imagined change would come tumbling down like an avalanche. Few could have predicted the kind of disruption to our professional and personal lives that this global pandemic has thrust upon us. I used to like Corona, but that was the cerveza. These days, Corona means crisis, and more than ever, organizations and leaders would benefit to understand and practise the principals of good communications. I’ve taken this quiet time to rethink my own business and marketing plan, and will be reaching out to connect and reconnect with as many people as possible. This is an opportunity to reset and consider who you are, what you do and how you communicate, especially now that the world has been turned on its head. Let’s remember that the principals of good communications remain true throughout the test of time, and are particularly handy during the most troubled of times. They are:

  1. Communicate, and communicate often, even when you have nothing to say.
  2. Keep your messages simple and to the point.
  3. Be authentic.
  4. Be empathetic.
  5. Know your audience.
  6. Do the right thing and be seen to do the right thing.
  7. If you don’t want to see it on the front page of tomorrow’s newspaper, or all over the web, don’t do it or say it.
  8. Resist weighing into trending but sensitive issues such as racial inequality and police brutality, simply for the sake of appearing to be in touch with what’s happening around you.

The changes are a lot to absorb – the loss of lives, loss of jobs and loss of the old ways of doing business. It’s not all bad, however. I can think of numerous magical things that have happened during this past spring and summer, that I never thought I would see in my lifetime:

  • Namely, we have found way to house the homeless, practically overnight, albeit temporarily.
  • We have accelerated the digital transformation in numerous industries, proving that one can work and study remotely, anywhere in the world, while increasing not only one’s quality of life, but productivity as well. Removing the commute back and forth to work, in and of itself, has tremendous benefits to the environment, the economy and most importantly to our families.
  • Virtual medical appointments – meaning sick people can stay where they belong and get treated in bed, like in the old days of doctor home visits.
  •  We have to come together globally and voluntarily self-isolated and practised social distancing because we believed it was and is the right thing to do.

There’s still much uncertainty ahead, as we are still without a vaccine, and the virus is as contagious and lethal as it’s always been. The economy has also been slow to restart, and people who believed their jobs were safe, are discovering that in fact no one is immune from taking a hit.

I’ve taken advantage of the downtime to rethink my brand and my communications. I hope you the results. Please click away on my website and send me your comments and feedback. Please share the address generously with your personal and professional families whom you think may benefit from my services as I would love to help you along your own communications’ journey.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Until then, stay safe and well.


